Bus stop…

Last Sunday, we went for the evening service in the cathedral as we had to attend my  nephew and niece’s double-wedding ceremony cum reception in the morning. My missus did not cook dinner, so on our way home, we stopped by the Sibu Bus Terminal Food Court – the location of which is self-explanatory, located right below Medan Hotel.

I had the mixed grill (RM9.50) which Louis J told me was very nice…

Bus Terminal Food Court - mixed grill

The guy used to run a place selling western food at the YMCA here in Sibu. It was pretty nice, especially for that price. The same thing in the hotels would cost at least double, I’m sure…or more!

My missus had the ayam penyet (RM5.00) which was not bad at all…

Bus Terminal Food Court - ayam penyet

…but you will need the patience of a saint if you want to eat that. They took such a very long time to come out with the dish.

There are many other stalls there – including Udin Rojak, son of the famous Kassim and his gado-gado or pasembur or Indian rojak or whatever you choose to call it. Over here, we just call it Kassim rojak. I guess I will just have to drop by again sometime to try the rest…


on Indomie instant noodles:
The Indomie instant noodles sold in Malaysia are safe for consumption, Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai said Wednesday.

He said the ministry had tested 30 out of 77 samples of Indomie collected locally for hydroxylbenzoic acid methyl ester and found that they did not contain the preservative.

“The ministry wishes to assure that eating Indomie will not cause any health risks to consumers,” he said.

Author: suituapui

Ancient relic but very young at heart. Enjoys food and cooking...and travelling and being with friends.

34 thoughts on “Bus stop…”

  1. But why those sold in Taiwan contain those chemicals? :/

    Dunno. Ask the importer/distributor – your MELAKA company, in Alor Gajah! Brunei also says o.k. and Singapore re-testing but says they test regularly but all this while, safe. No sound from the food-import fuss-pots, Australia and New Zealand.

    Probably illegal/smuggled imitations (and that’s why only two supermarkets involved)…or possible sabotage to protect local products.

  2. wow..your mixed grill macam sangat Oily la.. mix a glass of lemon juice to flush down the oil.. 🙂

    It was o.k. – not really oily. Taken at night, reflection of the fluorescent lights probably – thankfully, very bright, so the photos came out pretty well. Some places, so dark…really hard to get decent shots using digicam (without using the flash).

  3. For RM5.00, there’s so little ayam penyet! Next time you come to Kuching, I’ll bring you to Rumah Hijau. They serve the best ayam penyet in town and you get a whole maryland (drumstick plus upper thigh portion) for around RM6.00-RM7.00 – can’t remember the exact price since i’ve not been there in a while. And it’s not served plain like what you had – they sprinkle it liberally with some dry sambal tumis which is so yummy!

    I thought it looked quite miserable but missus loved it…and I tried a bit of the chicken with the sambal and it was quite nice. Have seen pic of the ayam penyet at another place (Bandong) and it was quite different – the rice wrapped in leaves or something – but I never went to try and they say one restaurant in town has good ayam penyet – never been either. This one’s the first I’ve actually seen with my own eyes…

    1. where is rumah hijau?

      Search me! You’ll have to ask her… Sounds like one of those sports houses in school! LOL!!! Or some environmental problem…

      1. Opposite Original Carwash, next to ING building. You can’t miss it – it’s a house and it’s green in colour – hence Rumah Hijau.

        Literally speaking!!! 😀

  4. 9.50 for mixed grill is really cheap!

    about indomie : then how do the health ministry explain the benzoic acid listed in the ingredients list of ibumie?

    It seems that it is permitted in foods at specific levels…accordingto the Consumer Association Penang, if you read this old newspaper report: http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/11/25/nation/20081125160358&sec=nation
    …and it is used not just in noodles (especially freshly-made yellow noodles) but also in other things like chang. We often here of raids and action taken against mee sellers…so it’s not just Ibumie or other instant/factory-manufactured noodles.

    That’s why the yellow noodles in Sibu are pale and softer and get soggy easily if cooked in soup or gravy. They say they use less “kee” or whatever that makes them firm.

  5. I think ahh, Cikgu… the fusspot sabotage la… to protect their local product…

    Or smuggled imitations – never trust these Chinese/Taiwanese businessmen – anything to make money!!! 😦

  6. i want to try the rojak..

    Come…come to Sibu! I hear Air Asia having a sale now…and I see all the excitement on Facebook – but everyone’s booking to go overseas – Melbourne RM125 only bla bla bla…and nobody wants to come to Sibu. So pathetic!!!!

  7. Morning STP, in my post I’m actually referring to non-bloggers who suddenly wanna start blogging because they think that they can earn millions from it and then end up writing ‘hari ini saya makan karipap… sedap’ that’s all..

    n then the next day writes, ‘i bumped into him today.. he ruined my day!’ that’s it!

    AND… expect us to exchange link with them! I don’t click ppl’s url just to read THAT!! That is sooooo for Twitter! Right or not?


    I guess if it’s a photoblog, it’s ok. People just want to see the photos…but others – too long, also boring – unless a really prolific writer. I would prefer some decent-enough photos to illustrate what the post is about…and if on food, info on place, taste…AND price would be useful, so people can decide whether they want to go or not…and whether they can afford it!

    1. yes lor.. need info. dun lah just tell me they eat karipap. how shud i know what karipap they are talking about? muahahahahahaha… sounds so .. tut!

      Such people should just stick to Twitter…or Facebook…

  8. and oh yeah, thank goodness our Indomie is safe for consumption 😀

    Whatever it is, EVERYTHING in moderation. Too much of a good thing even can be bad!

  9. The mixed grill very cheap eh? over here.. we can hardly get chicken chop at that price!

    Yup, this is cheap and nice…and they gave their own brown gravy with a hint of black pepper. I don’t like black pepper sauce but theirs was nice. Went really well with the meats. I wouldn’t mind going for that again…

    1. i very suka black pepper 🙂

      My daughter likes it, not me. Usually, there’ll be a choice of black pepper or mushroom – I’d have the mushroom. 🙂

  10. The mixed grilled is very cheap. So long did not eat western food already…… must go out to have a mini celebration with hubby when the kids asleep. Then can eat in peace. haha…..

    Can be expensive at the hotels and fancy restaurants…and we do have some Malay stalls here, there and everywhere selling lamb chops and things like that but never had one that’s really nice. This one’s good – been at it for a number of years and have always been popular. Hope to go again and try the other things he has to offer…

    What? Leaving the kids at home on their own? Unsupervised? Tsk! Tsk! Already got kids, romance can put on hold liao… Wait till they’re all grown…and then, can rekindle the fire!

    1. *pengsan* Tu… my parents are rekindling the fire… stick around like belangkas…tsk tsk tsk!

      Yalor…already old, anak all grown…already jadi datuk and nenek – so start romancing again lor!!! Hehehehehe!!!!

    2. of course not leaving them at home ALONE la……..I have in laws to look after. But if both are asleep, less trouble. Both are hyperactive. Can turn my world upside down. If bring them out to eat together, I think I got no time to chew. Just have to swallow and swallow. haha…….Already scheduled a post on that……come and read when you have the time.

      I had my share of that – they cannot possibly be worse than my daughter. That’s why we just stayed home, took turns to go to church, for dinners and all that. NO question about us going together and bringing her alone…and I’m sure the mere idea of leaving here with somebody would scare the living daylights out of them. So…we really did not have much of a life then – everything centred around my girl…but she changed as she grew up, praise the Lord! Now a little bit too quiet and reserved – would want her to be more social and outgoing. 😦

  11. Wow~! For RM9+ you can enjoy a full set of delicious mixed grill, really worth for the price! Your misus’s ayam penyet dish has very little sambal leh~ I would prefer a lot sambal with my dish!:)

    Have a nice day!

    Normally she would want a lot of sambal…and would go and ask for more again…and again, but she did not that night. Maybe waited for too long, so hungry…so quickly ate it all up. LOL!!!!

  12. nice post. Making me hungry. Guess i better go cooking now.

    What’s cooking? My tuition classes ended yesterday…so now got time to look around, see what I can send to you from here. 😉

    1. Loh mai fan cooking… wakakakakakaka… (eee… hope she dun bomb me wif loh mai fan… later jadi ular)

      Dunno what that is – Cantonese cuisine, I guess. Only know lor mai kai!!! 😉

      1. Tak tahu… bwhahaha… tau makan aje… mwhahahaha… oh, God… she’s going to cekik me if she sees this! LOL!

        Gosh…memang tau makan only. Don’t even know what she feeds you with… Pompuan zaman sekarang! Tsk! Tsk!

  13. The mixed grill for 9.50 is really cheap.. but it looked a little too oily, no?

    Nope, I did not feel it was oily – reflection of the meat juices plus oil in the light, perhaps. I wouldn’t like it if it had been oily – like when buying cucurs at some of the stalls. Normally when grilling or deep frying something, I would let it stand on kitchen towels first to soak away the oil. This one, I just added the gravy provided…and ate – very nice…and RM9.50…no complaints!

  14. yum yum mixed grill!! Mrs Wee ayam penyet look so pathetic.

    YMCA? Many many years ago, when i still in Sibu, that time YMCA is at Brooke Drive? After that they move to somewhere? I remember that time i like the western food at YMCA, very good, not sure is it the same person.

    Ya…but she said it was nice, and since she did not cook dinner, no cause for complaint! Hehehehehehehe!!!! Oh? You ate at the YMCA western food place? I went once but we were too early – they had not started yet, and we never went back again. My friend said it is that same guy…so you can give it a try the next time you come back to Sibu.

  15. The mixed grill very nice!! *drooling* whoaa quite simple dish it looks like, how come take so long ???

    That’s quite typical here when eating at the Malay stalls – lemah lembut, slow and steady…but this one took extraordinarily long!!! I was about to go and give them a piece of my mind already!!! 😦

  16. Aha…I’m so glad I had western meal yesterday…….panfried wild Alaskan salmon with baked purple potatoes and vegetables…very delicious. Otherwise I will be so jealous looking at yours….haha. I think mine is better than yours…hehe. What is that ayam penyet…new to me but looks delicious.

    Salmon! We may get that at classier cafes or restaurants or at the posh hotels here…and it will cost a bomb! Ayam penyet is a new craze around here – that was the first time I actually saw one…and it did not look like what I saw earlier in somebody’s photo. Maybe I should go to a better place for that…and post on it. Should look more impressive than that…and probably taste a whole lot better too.

  17. Ahhhh, take a long time, need to make the ayam jadi penyet first, smash, smash…..LOL!

    Yeah…and knowing how they work – lemah lembut, they must have taken ages to pound the ayam and yet not penyet… LOL!!!

  18. hmmm, thanks for the indomie update.. talking about instant noodles, i think i’ve not been having that for quite some time already.. you reminded me about the packet of korean instant noodles in my office drawer, must remember to cook it before it expires.. haha!!

    Korean? Mighty expensive or….. Around RM2.00 a packet here! Better eat it while you still can, don’t waste! I would think that for that kind of money, I might as welll go and eat something nice outside – kampua noodles here only RM2.00 usually…

  19. ahhhhh the name of the chef for the mixed grill is Charlie. his stall opens until 11pm daily. glad u like it STP. cheap and delicious! that how food shoul be….we go there next time STP…..cheers!

    Aha! Your friend, eh? Must be a regular customer there. No problem – wouldn’t mind going there again… Quite crowded though – lots of those bus passengers.

All opinions expressed in my blog are solely my own, that is my prerogative - you may or may not agree, that is yours. To each his/her own. For food and other reviews, you may email me at sibutuapui@yahoo.com