In God’s hands…

Last Thursday evening, I went to my foster-cousin’s place. She was having a special mass service cum blessing of her house that night…and after all that, we had dinner. There was a lot of food but the light was dim, so most of the photos did not come out well. There were some dishes from a local restaurant like this dish of butter prawns…

Butter prawns

…and this Thai-style chicken and cereal chicken combo…

Chicken combo

She also had some umai (Sarawak’s Melanau raw fish delicacy) and cooked beef curry – exactly the way we used to cook it in my mum’s family in the kampung (village) which I enjoyed tremendously, and also some kacang ma chicken

Kacang ma chicken

It certainly was a delightful buffet and there was so much to eat that night.

It was around 9.00 p.m. when my wife and I left…I used the very dark shortcut to the main road and at the t-junction, I stopped. Seeing that there was no car along the equally dark and deserted main road, I drove onto it, going straight into the right lane as I would have to make a u-turn at a roundabout a short distance up that road to head for home.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard the ear-piercing screeching of tyres and the loud blaring of horns and looking into my rear-view mirror, I saw a vehicle desperately trying to stop and swerving unsteadily as if out of control. I waited for the big bang but nothing happened. There was no collision…

I drove onto the left lane quickly in order to give way and the very next instant, that vehicle pulled up beside mine and trailed me all the way. I did not know what the fella was trying to do – perhaps, the road bully was trying to threaten me or something…but because of the very dark tinted glass, I could not see anything. In fact, I did not even know whether it was a man driving – I could only guess, probably a hooligan. As I was driving very slowly, eventually his patience ran out and he gave up,  zooming off at neck-breaking speed and was gone in a split second.

Indeed, he had the right of way…and it was supposed to be the fast lane but he was definitely going very very fast. If he wasn’t, he could easily have overtaken me using the inside lane as there were no other cars at all along that road at that point in time. I wouldn’t  be surprised if he was engrossed on his handphone and did not see my car in front – many of them do that, talk on the phone while speeding recklessly.

Somehow or other, I did not feel anything at all throughout the whole episode – no sense of shock nor was I frightened or nervous or anything. Perhaps if there had been a crash, I would have felt differently but then again, perhaps I would not be feeling anything at all – sitting happily up there and singing my heart out with the rest in the heavenly choir…

Sigh!!! When I read of all those horrifying fatal accidents, it makes me wonder why people just have to drive so very fast. Don’t they value their lives at all? I certainly do…and I am indeed so very thankful for God’s protection that night, praise the Lord. I guess that is the best we can do – drive carefully when on the road and leave the rest in God’s hands.