Not me, not I…

I’ve closed shop for the year, no more classes (and no extra pocket money) till January…but that does not mean that I’ve a lot of time to do whatever I want. I still have to go to my parents’ house in the morning to babysit my bedridden mum and keep her company until after lunchtime when I will come home and go online to chat with my daughter on Skype and reply to the comments in my post for the day…and then I will have to cook dinner.

Sadly, now that I’m free, my missus isn’t going to cook anymore, so the onus is on me to either do it myself or buy something from outside. Well, for one thing, I certainly do not intend to slave over the stove, that’s for sure. Definitely not me, not I!!!

And for this very reason, you can count on me to take the easy way out in whichever way I can. Like the other day, I bought some chicken curry from the other Malay food stall at Bandong – 3 pieces of meat and 3 chunks of potatoes with a whole lot of gravy…and even after drowning our rice with it, there was still a lot left. It would be such a waste throwing it all away, so we saved it. I remembered that my missus had bought some sotong (squids) that was sitting in the freezer, so I took those out and threw them into the gravy to cook…

STP's sotong curry

Presto! That’s one dish done!

For the vegetable dish, I pounded some belacan (dried prawn paste) with my missus’ blended chilli, squeezed some calamansi lime into it and added a bit of sugar to balance the sourish taste. Then I boiled some ladies’ fingers to eat with the sambal belacan and that was it…

STP's ladies' fingers ulam

So, there you are! Our dinner! LOL!!!

Now, let’s see what easy dishes I’ll be able to come out with today… Sigh!!!