Since you’ve been gone…

It just dawned on me that since my daughter left home, I have not gone to the places that we used to go together – the Garden Hotel cafe, Balkis for nasi bryani…not even her favourite bakery…

Wecare 1

…located at the Jaya Li Hua Commercial Centre in the vicinity of the Sibu bus terminal. The tofu fua is RM1.20 for one big tumbler. That is supposed to be cooling and I shouldn’t be taking that as I’m having a cough right now but I just couldn’t resist it! LOL!!

I love the Japanese baked cheese cake there and my daughter liked the sandwich (RM2.20)…

Wecare 2

…which is nice but I feel the turkey ham one at Big Thumb is a bit nicer.

I think she had bought this before as well…

Wecare 3

…and personally, I find it a bit expensive (RM2.90) and though it tastes pretty good, I thought it could do with some more lettuce and maybe tomatoes and a bit of cream cheese for that extra kick.

This one, however, is really good, I must say…

Wecare 4

– ham and cheese with a bit of lettuce sandwiched in very nice and crispy puff pastry. It’s very small though and costs RM1.70 each.

I often hear people say that the things at this particular bakery are comparatively more expensive than elsewhere but personally, if something is really good,  I wouldn’t mind paying a little bit extra…for the enjoyment and satisfaction. There’s no point paying less – RM1.50 for this cheese and mushroom bun from another bakery…

Cheese mushroom bun

…and what you see is what you get – that little bit of mushroom and cheese at the top; the rest is all bun/bread.

Well, you can’t have it your way all the time like this Chinese expression: “Yew ai phee, yew ai chee, yew ai tua liap nee!” (Want it cheap…want it fresh…and want big breasts too! LOL!!!) Life is like that, isn’t it? It’s all about choices – and making the BEST ones. Period.