Tart tart…

I love tarts! Umm…I mean, the edible kind, that is! LOL!!!

The egg tarts at the bakeries here cost around RM1.20 each and occasionally, I may grab one or two for myself for tea. These, however, are RM1.00 for three…

Egg tarts 1

…but of course, they’re slightly smaller and the egg custard is not up to the brim. Well, considering that they’re so cheap, who’s complaining?

I also love those egg tarts that we can get at the dim sum places…

Egg tarts 2
*recycled pic

The pastry is different – something like puff pastry and the ones that we can get at the dim sum restaurant here are also pretty good.

Moving on from tarts, I do love these cucur udang too…

Cucur udang 1

I wouldn’t call them prawn fritters as that would bring to mind something like tempura prawns where the crustaceans are dipped in batter and fried. These are actually placed on batter and fried…

Cucur udang 2

…and at four for RM1.00, they’re really value for money…and that’s not all – they even give you a packet of home-made chilli sauce for you to eat the cucur with. Yum!!!

Anybody heading to my regular Bandong kuih-muih stall? See you there! LOL!!!