Nobody but you…

The other morning, after dropping my girl off at school, I stopped by here…

Sibu Cafe

Somebody would come when you are seated…

Kedai Kopi Sibu

…to take your temperature and to get you to write that down in a record book alongside your name and contact number. No sanitiser was provided though so I guess if you are planning on coming here, you will have to bring your own or do what I do – keep a few packs of alcohol swabs (Yes, that’s what those are, not condoms!!!) in your wallet for times like this.

The last two times I was here, I went to the nicer and classier extension next door for the fried Chinese carrot cake or koay khak and for the beef noodles and I was here for the fried noodles from the stall in the original section once. I can’t remember when I last had the kampua mee

Kedai Kopi Sibu kampua mee kosong

…probably in 2017, if I am not wrong. Well, I was feeling like having that that morning and anyway, I did not have a choice. I was too early and nobody else but this stall was open – the aforementioned section was still closed and so were the other stalls in the original shoplot, just this one – the kampua mee stall.

I ordered a bowl of pian sip (meat dumplings) soup…

Kedai Kopi Sibu pian sip soup

…to go with it and the guy held back the sliced meat that would usually come with the noodles and gave me the kosong (no meat) instead.

Both were all right, pretty much the same as all the other so-so places in town, nothing to make it stand out above the rest and like elsewhere as well, I was charged RM5.00 for the two…and I was thinking that I could have gone here and paid a ringgit more for the special which I am pretty sure I would enjoy a lot more.

SIBU CAFE (2.295419, 111.839777) aka KEDAI KOPI SIBU is located among the shops at Pusat Tanahwang, right across the road from SMK Sacred Heart, on your right if you are driving in after making the left turn into the lane past the SHELL station there.

Author: suituapui

Ancient relic but very young at heart. Enjoys food and cooking...and travelling and being with friends.

4 thoughts on “Nobody but you…”

  1. Since you ask for a bowl of pian sip to go with the kampua and since pian sip has meat fillings, they serve with you with kampua kosong. The few thinly sliced meat originally intended for your kampua can be used for another plate of kampua. Business marketing……😄😄😄

    If not, kampua mee RM3 plus pian sip soup RM3, I would need to fork out RM6.00.

  2. Perhaps when it comes to indulgence rather than just filling your tummy, it pays to go the extra mile? Or extra dollar? :p

    …or if it is something nicer, worth the extra ringgit – not if it is more or less the same thing.

  3. Alcohol swabs?? That is a good idea. I have stock of alcohol swabs in my first aids box. Hehe.

    But would not need to as hubby bought a big bottle of hand sanitiser. So whenever our hand carry sanitiser is out, just refill in from the big bottle.

    Hmm. Never been here. Hardly go to that area near Tanahmas.

    No, this is Tanahwang, across the road from Sacred Heart School.

  4. Sometimes the stations are set up over here but there’s no one attending then. It’s very interesting to see who follows the regulations without being monitored and who takes the chance to skip on in.

    Hardly anybody here these days when there is nobody stationed there to do it – I hear they have started arresting and imposing fines on people, those eating there but without an entry recorded and those giving fictitious names and contact numbers.

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