I’ve got a little something for you…

Towards the end of the schools’ mid-term holidays last week, my girl went to, among other places, the supermarket at the mall near my house to buy a few things, her ration for the week once she got back to her school in the jungle. When she came home, she gave me this – a little something for me…

MaClean's Scottish shortbread

…and yes, it was literally little, not a very big box and I am quite sure it did not come cheap.

She knows I love those Scottish shortbread…

Walkers' Scottish shortbread

…but they are getting way to expensive these days so there is no way I am going to fork out the money to buy them, thank you very much.

I guess this one looked kinda promising…

Scotland at its best

…- Scotland at its besttraditional hand baked luxury and it said melts in the mouth on the other side and it seemed a little different from the rest with its added butterscotch flavour.

When I opened the box, I was absolutely dismayed to see…

Four pieces only

…that there were only FOUR pieces inside! If it had filled the whole box, there should be at least six but no, there were only four, just four…and yes, they were mini indeed!

As for the taste, it was more or less like the rest…

Nothing to shout about

…maybe not that much fragrance of the butter and there was only a little bit of the butterscotch taste, so little that it could easily have gone unnoticed.

My girl would not tell me the price but whatever the price, I would not want her to buy such expensive stuff for me to enjoy anymore. Sure, her intention was good and she has her heart in the right place…but I would be quite happy with something a whole lot cheaper…and nicer too.