Ticket to ride…

I received this via email a long time ago when China won the bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games…and a few days ago, I received the same thing again. Some of you, if not all, may have received it as well at one time or another but I have decided to post it anyway in case there are a few who have not seen it yet. After all, Kpg Nangka Boy said in his comment on an earlier post that he would like more quizzes so let us see how he would fare in this one…..

Win two tickets and go on an all-expense paid trip to the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China. It is very easy to participate in this competition. Just view the photo below carefully and answer the following questions and send your answers to: The International Olympic Committee, Private Bag, Lausanne, Switzerland.

1 Which student seems to appear tired or sleepy?
2 Which ones are male twins?
3 Which ones are female twins?
4 How many women are in the group?
5 Which one is the teacher?

Good luck!!!

Who's who?

I guess you are not going either! ROTFLMAO!!!

(Original source unknown)

Here, there and everywhere…

Life’s back to normal now. I have resumed my usual daily routine because my daughter has gone back to the other side of the world country to complete her Foundation year. But the day before she left, she wanted some dosai or thosai whichever way you wish to spell it, so we went to Balkis again…and this time, I remembered to insist that they made it paper thin and my daughter actually had TW0 of these…

Paper thin dosai

I had a bit of rice and a few of the stuff they had – hati masak hitam (literal translation – liver cooked black), sambal sotong (cuttlefish/kalamari in sambal) and nenas masak kunyit (pineapples in tumeric)….. 

Balkis mixed rice

They all tasted very nice!!! With drinks, it came up to only RM11-12.00 (inclusive of charges for sitting in the air-conditioned section). However, I think it was earlier that day that I took my daughter to this Toto cafe somewhere behind Delta Mall, opposite Everise to try the kolo mee that somebody said was very nice…..

Imitation kolo mee

It was definitely nothing like kolo mee…and it wouldn’t be so bad if it had tasted nice. Well, as they always say, do not believe everything you hear…and that would be the first and the last time I would go and eat there! On the other hand, yesterday being a Sunday, I went to church and after the service, I had this for brunch….. 

Tom yam mihun

This was the tom yam mihun I had at a coffee shop also in the same vicinity (Delta Commercial Centre, the coffee shop next to the Sweet Smelling Bakery). It was nice and cost only RM4.00. Of course, the miserable shrimps cannot compare with the huge udang galah (freshwater prawns) that Huai Bin had at Glory Cafe in Sarikei but that, if I remember correctly, cost RM15.00! I would rather tapau (takeaway) this for RM4.00 to heat up at home and throw in a few of those giant prawns myself. You can get them at the Sibu Central Market, the native jungle produce section at RM10 per plate of 10 – 15 prawns or more, depending on the sizes. Anyway, talking about Huai Bin…..

Huai Bin of sixthseal.com

He contacted me and asked me out to dinner with a number of other bloggers. It had been a few years since we used to bump into each other at airports…and lately, we had communicated via our blogs. So last Saturday night, we went for the RM11.50 nett per head buffet at Li Hua Hotel coffee house. That was really cheap and the food was good, especially what was left of the ayam masak hitam (black cooked chicken). They have the buffet every Saturday but be forewarned that if you wish to go for it, be there early (around 7 p.m.) for it seems that they do not refill anything that runs out in the buffet spread. It certainly was nice meeting Huai Bin again; I’ve always liked him and felt he has always been very pleasant and polite (Maybe it’s because I’m old…and a friend of the parents? LOL!!!), and easy to talk to, despite the disparity in our ages. I will not post on the dinner itself as all the others have done so…and I do not wish to be redundant. After all, it wasn’t so much the food that night but the company. We had a great time, to say the least…and stayed till they started switching off the lights to hint to us that it was about time we left! LOL!!

Well, also on Saturday, in the afternoon, I went to the Rajang Park post office to send a letter. Strangely though, the car park was full…..

Car park full

Normally, it would be quite empty on Saturday afternoons as everybody would be relaxing at home and enjoying the start of the weekend. Never mind, I got myself a space as somebody was leaving…and walked to the post office. To my surprise, it was open…and there was a long queue!

Queue for RM600-rebate

Good grief! They were all there to claim the RM600 rebate in lieu of the increase in the petrol prices. I heard that the crowd was very much bigger at the Central Post Office in town, spilling over onto the road. I really wonder what the hurry was…for we have until March next year to make the claim. Is it like this too elsewhere in the country or is it just in Sibu?

Well, that’s about it for this rojak post. Here’s hoping that you all will have a wonderful week ahead…..