
I had gone to bed already that night on Chinese New Year’s Eve hoping to be able to sleep through the inevitable turmoil that was yet to come. Wishful thinking! I was awakened by the explosive sounds of the firecrackers and fireworks in the neighbourhood…and all my efforts to go back to sleep again were unsuccessful. I glanced at the digital clock in my bedroom – it was just after 11.30 p.m. Good grief! They could not even wait till midnight.

It went on and on and on like it was never going to end, so I decided to go out to have a look.

There was smoke everywhere and the fireworks shot into the sky…

Chinese New Year 2011 - midnight 1

…exploding in an array of colours…

Chinese New Year 2011 - midnight 2

…amidst the ear-splitting sounds…like bombs in the two world wars rolled together and a third one thrown in for good measure.

The neighbours, most of them, were up and about – all busy as if trying to outdo one another to see whose was the loudest and the longest…

Chinese New Year 2011 - midnight 3

…leaving behind all that smoke lingering in the otherwise fresh and cool midnight air.

Chinese New Year 2011 - midnight 4

I refrain from passing any comments on the indulgence but I cannot imagine breathing in all those poisonous fumes – I’m sure that is much worse than all the smoke that a regular smoker inhales in one whole month! Well, I certainly had no intention of sticking around to be suffocated to death on the 1st day of Chinese New Year, so I went back to my warm, soft and comfortable bed…
